Wednesday, July 31, 2024
Corporate alliance with authoritarian collectivism = corporatism/fascism
Google is rotten to the core
What a surprise
and pathetic.
Says it all…
Tuesday, July 30, 2024
‘Speaks for itself
What’s at stake
If Democrats win - legitimately or through manipulation and fraud — they will facilitate and do the following:
Radically alter the standards of the judicial branch of our government (the Supreme Court) so that it no longer honors the constitution but serves to be a mere rubber stamp to Democrat policy agendas.
Election law will be completely upended so that Democrats will forever control the outcome of elections.
Millions of foreign intruders who have not gone through any legitimate process to attain citizenship will be given citizenship and permitted to sway the outcome of all future elections.
The deep state apparatus of rules, regulations, and punishments will be given unbridled authority to impose Democrat/communist ideals.
The tax burden will be increased on everyone (not just “the rich”) and the tax agency will harass at will.
Schools will be nothing more than propaganda centers swaying children from any allegiance to family or traditional values.
Followers of religion will be persecuted.
The military will be further weakened and unable to defend the country against an alliance of authoritarian nations - if there is a war, America will lose.
The justice system will be used to harass and imprison anyone who is not fully on board with the government’s program to fully “transform” America into a totalitarian socialist state.
American sovereignty will be ceded to unelected international globalist institutions.
The wealth and living standard of Americans will be decimated and simple comforts and conveniences will be outlawed in the name of bogus “climate change” hysterics.
Anyone with a digital trail of support for conservative values will be monitored and punished - half the political spectrum will be outlawed.
An international digital currency will be implemented. All current savings and investment will be discarded and rendered worthless and a monthly stipend that only affords subsistence living will be enacted.
Any ability to challenge the authority of the state and ruling technocrats will be crushed.
America and the world will run on the “Chinese” (communist) model and an extended era of global dystopia will completely replace natural human desires to pursue happiness.
None of the aforementioned statements are hyperbole. All of them have been actively proposed by organs of the deep state, NGOs, the Democrat party, media, academics, and powerful international corporate institutions.
…surly you can endure the alternative of witty and sarcastic tweets.
Remember…whether it’s Disney, Netflix, school libraries, or an Olympic opening ceremony,
After corrupting a society and breaking down its culture and traditional institutions, a communist coup d' ètat imposes a strict and coercive system that’s almost impossible to free one’s self from.
Just in time for the election…
Monday, July 29, 2024
Excellent book and a pretty good movie.
Regarding J.D. Vance’s comments on childless “cat” ladies….
There's a difference between accepting the varied circumstance that affords some women to prefer to be childless and deliberately promoting the destruction of the nuclear family as a standard of cultural stability.
In many ways, this issue is like the abortion issue in that we can accept the fact that an unfortunate decision can be made yet not feel the need to celebrate and aggressively promote it.
Democrats “saving democracy”
Wow! …bastards
Sunday, July 28, 2024
The Constitution
vs. the coup.
What you’ll never see in “mainstream” media sources.
Appraising the course of nations through history finds that stable families coincide with culture on the ascent and when deviations from the natural order increase, a society is corrupted and in decline. Only societies in chaos and considerable decline honor fringe behavior.
Saturday, July 27, 2024
Calling someone a communist is one thing. Understanding what communism really means to a pursuit of happiness, quite another.
Friday, July 26, 2024
The new crime of…
America under communist leadership
For the “crime” of innocence.
“ All of his actions that day were captured on the Capitol closed-circuit video recordings. Strand honorably and reasonably fulfilled his job by protecting Dr. Gold. He did not commit any unlawful or inappropriate acts. John injured no one, threatened no one, and caused no damage.
He was respectful to the Capitol police. Despite this indisputable evidence, in June 2023, John was sentenced to 32 months in prison and 36 months supervised release.”
Big corporate interests are on the side of the FBI, CIA, NSA, establishment journalism, social media, education, and entertainment. And, they’re all on the side of authoritarian collectivism.
They hate the country’s citizens, they hate the country and its history, and most of all, they hate anyone who stands in the way of their establishing an authoritarian global technocracy.
Thursday, July 25, 2024
The Dystopian Submission of I to “We”
(I just successfully reposted a book review to the Amazon site but don’t know how long it will last).
Several years ago I had written a book review on the Amazon site for the Ayan Rand novella, Anthem.
Along with several other reviews I had written, Amazon eventually deleted it — kind of like YouTube’s latest scheme to delete many comments that fail to promote their vision. One needn’t be aggressive or rude in any way to be trimmed from YouTube’s election year “algorithms.”
Anyway, I hate to see a reasonable book review go to waste so, what follows is my appraisal of Ayan Rand’s novella, Anthem:
I read this book long ago and remember liking it. I recently read it again and its impact on me was far greater than my initial reading. Ayn Rand's Anthem is a masterpiece as well as a pleasurable read.
I don't think anyone could read or review this book effectively without comparing it to George Orwell's "1984” (both being dystopian works) but it was written before Orwell's classic work. I dare say that, for me, it was a better read with greater insight into the reality of totalitarian psychology and the threat it ultimately poses to humanity's...humanity. Anthem is clearly less bleak than "1984’s” world. The goodness of the novel's hero surpasses that of a mere cog in a government wheel who simply seeks escape. "Equality 7-2521" (the main character's "name") is a more likable character than Orwell's protagonist. He has the innocence of a child learning to play in a world where no one is allowed such "selfish" pleasure. He is not a subversive merely seeking to extricate himself from a cult-state with compulsory membership. He's a true human who knows himself with honesty and moral strength.
The dystopia depicted in Anthem is a more insightful appraisal of what motivates a dystopia and their prisoners than the genre usually offers. Orwell's government makes no pretense to being good. It's a caricature of evil (how many brutal dictatorship really know they're evil, particularly in view of the numerous academics and "thinkers" in the West who refuse to acknowledge the obvious). Orwell's prison-state loves war and cruelty and seems to savor the gloom it has produced. Rand's dystopia is like the one we are likely to get if such horror is to really triumph, a philosophy and system that tells us to love our "brothers," "sisters," and society at the total expense of even acknowledging our own existence or those whom we know and care for. The individual has no value in Anthem's bureau-state. So much so that the very word "I" has been banished from the vocabulary.
Initially the reader may find themselves confused or annoyed at the linguistic realities of this collectivist prison-world, where one must speak even of themselves as "we" and other individuals as "they," (isn’t that timely) but the awkwardness is absolutely necessary to drawing the reader into the absurdity of such a system.
Those who don't like Rand's weightier works will find that Anthem contains no long lectures embedded in the plot or deep philosophical ideals being continually laid out (things profound to followers of Rand and perhaps tedious to those who dislike her and her philosophy). Nonetheless, the philosophy of the novel is conveyed with ease - the nobility of individuality and the pathetic stupidity and oppressiveness of imposed collective "altruistic" ideals.
References to capitalism's virtues barely come up at all aside from subtle inference (not that this trademark in Rand's other novels is a bad thing).
Anthem is no direct sales pitch for the values of a free market. The novel expresses a more basic philosophical stance; the pure and simple quest for and valuation of individuality amongst the perennially imposing horde -- the horror brought upon innocence by those who would seek to mold us all into a mediocre or dystopian slumber of subservience.
Rand's individualist belief system can be found in Anthem in its most basic form, a beautiful expression of the promethean myth and the nobility of an individual who wakes from the sleep imposed by collectivism (a lesson that may become -- is becoming -- all too timely).
The world depicted by Rand in Anthem is a world where the very utterance of the personal pronoun "I" is a crime and the thought of applying an individual's affections to another individual is held in equal contempt by the bland authorities that have successfully imposed a collectivist prison even upon themselves. I can't help but be struck by the prophetic accuracy in which Rand has depicted modern day North Korea; a nation of mere cult members , some of who may be barely aware they are even in a prison.
The tragic fear this book sparks is that collectivism's socialist mindset will never truly rest or be happy until the entire world has been forced into membership in their cult of "we."
Rand's story contains some rather unique and beautiful prose, largely due to the simple purity in which the main character expresses himself. A childlike naivete' is conveyed by a person who is clearly wise yet constrained by the heavy guidelines imposed upon his psyche by his society -- rules of speech only being one constraint among many. One will be moved by depictions of promethean greatness in curiosity, individual striving, and even love before a sterile and unbending society of mindless "cooperative" fellow citizens.
What helps make the story quite believable is Equality 7-2521's slow awakening. Through much of the novel we follow his genuine belief in the order of things as they are. An inculcated guilt haunts his innermost thoughts. He is constantly at odds with himself over his curiosity about forbidden things, even the individual attraction and love he feels for another who, with equal awkwardness, reciprocates his feelings.
Equality 7-2521 will never "love big brother" (though Anthem does not actually have such a single overbearing personality). Rand's symbolic villain manifests as a more abstract but highly believable order of "councils." The "Council of Scholars" (clearly Rand's jab at intellectuals), are total fools who have maintained a system that produces nothing but allegiance to blind and concocted altruism. There is no "dear leader" but a dear everyone but yourself. It is a socialists dream come true - a world where everyone is a prisoner of everyone else.
Some would no doubt be offended at my comparing Anthem to George Orwell's widely known and respected novel, 1984, but I'd recommend actually reading Anthem before taking such offense.
In this early work of Ayn Rand’s, accurate depictions of a communal distopia are mere vehicles for describing something even more thought provoking, the creative human spirit seeking to break its chains and say "I" with neither remorse nor guilt.
The “Border Tsar”/“not the Border Tsar.”
‘Talk about “Deplorable.”
Sums it up
Very well put.
Wednesday, July 24, 2024
THIS will no doubt be fun.
Tuesday, July 23, 2024
One of many fascinating attempts to get to the truth.
Another stunning example of rule by Democrats — chaos, dishonesty, obfuscation, and corruption.
No one trusts the FBI, CIA, et al.
Well, actually, I take that back. Democrats trust them, considering that they’re the Democrats’ personal police agencies.
In any event, the issues surrounding the attempted assassination of the deep state’s arch enemy, Donald Trump, are about to be blown wide open.
No one should trust these agencies’ “investigation” into the events at Trump’s Pennsylvania rally. We thankfully live in an age where numerous private individuals and institutions can conduct their own investigations. There are numerous on line individuals, former snipers, and even former secret service personnel who are dissecting some hidden and awkward situations regarding the attempted assassination.
The moniker, “conspiracy theory” (a label literally invented by the CIA) used to be used to immediately write off speculations as groundless delusions. Increasingly, conspiracy theories are often being shown to have considerable merit.
Things like THIS are going to be the new norm for genuine investigation. It’s gonna be a wild ride.
Monday, July 22, 2024
Only leftists would be stupid and dishonest enough to frame an attempted assassination
Sunday, July 21, 2024
Thursday, July 18, 2024
“Don’t be evil”
Well, we know why Google no longer uses that motto.
In addition to This, Google’s YouTube subsidiary has now taken to actively deleting comments in the comment thread on its videos. Speaking from personal experience I can verify that such comments can be free of aggressiveness or threat. They’re simply not permitted to sway from the leftist party line.
BTW, is anyone finding it a bit odd that these relatively new mega-corporate entities are so aligned with leftist philosophy? …..Corporatism (e.g. fascism)
I love headlines like…
Alternative media…
and, detail.
“Conspiracy Theories”
This guy really nails it.
the secret service.
Tuesday, July 16, 2024
The “Common Man”
Classic leftism. In all its glory.
Judge a statesman by those who
J.D. Vance is an American success story. The fact that he’ll be going up against Kamela Harris is entertaining beyond belief.
Monday, July 15, 2024
Conspiracy Theory
based on reasonable conjecture. It’s not as if the left is not making their fantasies public now.
In honor of the globalist authoritarian vision or domestic leftist coup attempts, the totalitarian collectivist left is now comfortable proclaiming their goals…
That’s them. We have yet to know why they have such hatred and vitriol in them…aside from their pathology of projection.
Alternative media
Weird shit happens.
More from the ideology of projection.
Sunday, July 14, 2024
Leftists can’t meme…
Seven shots and a grazed ear — truly a man of destiny.
“Trump 2024”…
Remember, the Biden “administration” refuses to give secret service protection to Robert Kennedy Jr. and
several congressional Democrats have actively sought to remove Trump’s secret service protection — and we know why(!)
Saturday, July 13, 2024
The Murder of the Russian Royal Family
The “revolution” always eats its own
For what it’s worth,
Obama has the upper hand in this behind-the-scenes intrigue. Biden will be out.
Friday, July 12, 2024
For anyone who loves books and libraries.
God, they’re
To be fair, these phony entertainment clowns were nice to him before they realized he would usher in the horrors of lower taxation, a secure border, and economic vitality.
The looming
Thursday, July 11, 2024
A chance to see
what a real Trump landslide looks like. Those who voted “no” have some explaining to do.
“Lies My Liberal Teacher Told Me”
Wilfred Reilly saying it like it is. Honest scholarship is now a rare thing.
Wednesday, July 10, 2024
Democrats will forever change America and the world if they get away with their latest scheme
Clearly, Mexico is racist
Couldn’t be more accurate or insightful
In addition to actively screwing over Clarence Thomas…
Tuesday, July 09, 2024
The Common Sense Platform
only a leftist could hate.
Some “conspiracy theories”
can’t just be brushed off as…Conspiracy theories
Monday, July 08, 2024
“Saving our democracy”
It’s now common knowledge among virtually everyone that the Democrats are going to pull every scheme possible to cheat in the election.
Even Democrats aren’t expressing any concern that the Republicans will cheat because even they know that the anti-constitutional forces are almost entirely Democrat.
The Democrats’ primary concern is that Republicans will be successful in implementing safeguards against fraud and non-citizens voting.
…another national suicide.
1793 again, just around the corner. Where’s our needed Thermidorian reaction?
Sunday, July 07, 2024
Hillary Clinton
My sentiments, exactly. (For what it may be worth, it should be reminded that Gingrich is a history professor).
Saturday, July 06, 2024
Why an “Electoral College?”
Here’s why.
Still “liberals” are befuddled at the rise of populism.
“Racist” America…
Two eye-rolls and a yawn.
Societal stability beats “revolutionary” fervor
and widespread prosperity is superior to subsistence and destitution.
“Fairest elections in history”
No decent person who sought elections to be honest and fair would support this nonsense.
Remember, Democrats want “drop boxes,” ballot “harvesters,” mass unsolicited mail-in ballots, no voter ID or proof of citizenship.
Their position tells you everything ya need to know.
Friday, July 05, 2024
She Nailed it:
Google hates America…and freedom in general
Well of course.
The new electorate.
“Most secure election” “in history.”
Thursday, July 04, 2024
The Soviet model.
Massively overspend, create inflation, costs rise for producers. To stay in business, increased costs to do business are passed on to consumers. Consumers are furious over increasing costs. The leftist government threatens to punish producers and restrict any criticism of government policy.
This is what always happens when resentful ideologues take charge.
Nothing beats an economic policy of practical common sense.
No wonder the deranged
Are sooo opposed to this dark night of fascism.
Wednesday, July 03, 2024
The absolute best modern Macroeconomics-made-easy lesson.
“Saving our democracy”
Several Democrats are bouncing ideas around about what to do “if” (when) Trump wins. They all include variations on keeping him from becoming president in spite of the voters’ choice.
Tells ya everything you need to know about their concern for “saving our democracy.”
A slow steady warmup
And then, There he goes again. ‘Runs rings around post-modern academics.
Any institution that seeks to restrict or censor information is not a valid source of information.
“[They are]
Something all leftists/Democrats will hate and all America First citizens will love.
This is the way you conduct foreign policy and the way a genuine America-loving president behaves.
Tuesday, July 02, 2024
Long live the American Constitution
This demented clown is literally too stupid to realize that the Supreme Court just saved his ass.
At this point most citizens have a pretty good idea of what’s really going on. Every “case” against Trump is completely bogus and concocted to take him out of the presidential race and to punish him for daring to take on the scheming swine of establishment power centers.
The Supreme court’s decision on Presidential immunity protects the executive branch (no matter who is temporarily president).
The left isn’t deranged because they fear Donald Trump will secure the border. They’re not enraged because he plans to lower taxes or open up America’s rich reservoirs of abundant energy. The left is overcome with insanity because they were on the very edge of establishing absolute power to cede American sovereignty to global institutions and establish a punitive socialist dystopia, and Donald Trump is going to “break their toys.”
There are millions of blind followers that still hold phony caricatures in their heads and imagine Trump is just some greedy racist businessman that wants to hurt people. Ironically, it is the Democrats and Obama/Biden that have established the rudimentary beginnings of a police state where federal authorities censor, harass and harm anyone who dares oppose their rule.
The reign of ruling bureau-despots is about to end…and they don’t like it.
Nailed it
Monday, July 01, 2024
There is something about all forms of authoritarian collectivism that incline toward anti-semitism. It’s somewhat of a mystery but a mystery based upon an accurate observation. And, yes, I’m aware that many socialist “thinkers” have been Jewish.
Econ 101
Inflation is caused by excessive government spending, a tax disguised as shop-keeper’s “greed,” to cover the ass of the politicians that actually cause it.